It's Soy-prisingly

1,000+ Uses of Soy

From the food on your plate

to the products you use every day,

soybeans play a vital role in enhancing our lives.

Discover the 1,000+ Surprising Uses of Soybeans

Hungry For Truth Teriyaki Salmon Bowl

Whether you’re savoring your favorite meal, fueling sustainability, or discovering innovative uses, soy is at the heart of it all.

Silhouette icon of two soybean pods with leaves.
Lubricant made from soy, running on a piece of machinery
Rubber ducks floating in bright blue water.

Uncover the Surprising Impact of Soy

Soybeans are everywhere—even in places you’d never expect. In our latest commercial, we take you on a journey to uncover a glimpse into the 1,000+ uses of soy that impact your daily life. From fueling your car with soy-based diesel to your kid's favorite after-school snack, soy plays a crucial role in making products more sustainable, efficient, and long-lasting.

Hit play and see how one small bean makes a big impact—in your home, on the road, and in products you use every day.

Take Our Quiz & Win a Set of Goodyear® Tires!


Take Our Quiz & Win a Set of Goodyear® Tires! |

Vector illustration of a soybean pod and a blue and lime green question mark box with rounded corners.

How Many Soy Uses Do You Know?

Test your knowledge with our fun soy quiz! Answer all the questions and enter for a chance to win a $500 gift card to use towards a brand-new set of tires from Goodyear®—crafted using soy technology.

GoodYear® Tire in a lush green soybean field.
Vector illustration of a soybean pod and a blue question mark box with rounded corners.

Win Goodyear® Tires

How to Enter:

  1. Complete the quiz below.

  2. Enter your name and email address at the end of the quiz.

  3. You’re automatically entered into our giveaway!

Don’t wait—entries close on April 30!

These tires run on soy.

Soybean oil improves performance and sustainability.

Text: 1.9 Million
A heard of cows in a grassy field on a beautiful sunny day

Soy Use #762

1.9 million bushels of South Dakota soybeans are consumed by cattle annually.

Soy Use #652

Soybean meal feeds South Dakota’s dairy, swine, poultry, and aquaculture.

Soy wax crayons
A stack of oreo cookies

Soy Use #954

One acre of soybeans can produce 82,368 crayons.

Soy Use #710

Your favorite cookie is made with soy.

Soy Wax Candles

Soy Use #468

Soy wax is a 100% renewable resource.

Text: Renewable Resource
A farmer filling up his tractor with soy biodiesel.

Soy Use #745

Soybeans are used to make clean fuel.

Generating better fuel economy than other types of diesel fuel.

Firefighters extinguishing a file using soyfoam.

Soy Use #924

Soyfoam: A safer way to fight fires.

Free of forever chemicals and no detectable fluorine.

Truck spraying soy-based asphalt sealant in the badlands of South Dakota.

Soy Use #573

Soybean asphalt sealant makes roads stronger.

Preventing asphalt from breaking down over time.

Soy-based turf at South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD.

Soy Use #762

This field runs on soy.

Soy backed-artificial grass.

Delicious blueberry topped pancakes and syrup made with vegetable oil.

Soy Use #821

Vegetable oil is soybean oil.

A giant stack of soybeans on a pallet.

Soy-Prisingly Everywhere

Soy is woven into our everyday lives in more ways than you might expect. From the food we eat to the products we rely on, its impact is everywhere. Want to dive deeper? Check out the blogs below to explore even more surprising ways soy plays a role in your world.