South Dakota Influencer, Terra Lemke, Takes to the Farm

Terra Lemke

Having open conversations about food and farming with South Dakotans and the farmers who grow it is what we do. In fact, that’s what Hungry for Truth is all about. We had an exciting opportunity to connect South Dakota native, Terra Lemke with Tim and Kari Ostrem of Centerville, South Dakota to chat about farming, harvest, and different farm technology. They spent a gorgeous afternoon together and Terra’s kids got to enjoy the intricacies of a farm operation. Today, Terra is sharing her perspective of her recent South Dakota farm visit.  

Terra Lemke

Having both grown up in small towns in South Dakota, James and I feel it’s important for our children to learn about hard work, respecting others, and appreciating the land we live on. Today’s visit to the farm was all of this and more.

When we arrived at the Ostrem farm, we were immediately greeted by Kari, who was quick to take the kids to their family swing, which the kids absolutely loved. Soon after, we could hear the sound of a large semi-truck coming up to the farmyard with a load of corn.  David jumped out of the semi-truck to meet us and talk to the kids. He showed the kids the grain auger, which Louis called, ‘a robot’. The kids were in awe watching the corn start under the semi and come up through the shoot and into the bins. I’m not sure we have seen all four of them that quiet in a long time!

After loading the corn into the bins, we all headed two miles north of the farmyard, where we met Tim and Greg. Greg pulled up in his tractor alongside the semi-truck and quickly invited me and the kids for a tractor ride. It was so fun watching the kids interact with Greg, asking him all the questions about the tractor, corn, and the technology inside the tractor.  We learned that the weight of the corn for that pass was nearly 30,000 pounds.

Soon after, Tim pulled up in his large combine. Tim asked if we all wanted a ride, and I literally heard a ‘gasp’ of excitement from the kids. Without hesitation, we all climbed aboard. Tim explained how the combine used GPS systems that allowed him to push a button and the combine would drive itself. He explained how the augers tore up the corn stalks and the importance of moisture for the stalks; and how a drought year can affect the maturity of his corn and yield. It was pretty incredible to see the amount of technology that was built into the combine.  

Before our combine ride was officially over, Tim said he had a small treat for the kids, and they were so, so excited: SUCKERS!!  

The kids (and adults) were so grateful for our experiences at the Ostrem farm. Before we even left, Louis said when he got home he was going to design his very own combine for our backyard; and would make sure he had all the technology that matched Tim, David, and Greg’s machinery from our visit.  

Growing up in South Dakota, we know and hear about ‘South Dakota’ nice. Watching the Ostrem Family connect with our children: sharing their time, passion, and treats; is helping us show our children the importance of hard work and respect.  

Mothering two sets of twins keeps Terra pretty busy, can you say super-mom?! As a local to South Dakota, Terra has created a social media community around their family, while also juggling an insurance job. If you would like to learn more about Terra or follow along on their family adventures, connect with her via:

Facebook: Terra Lynn


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