Bridging the Urban-Rural Divide with Ag Ambassador Program

Kadydn Wittman holding up a worm from a soybean field.

Earlier this month, I participated in the Agriculture Ambassador program with Hungry For Truth SD by touring and learning about Mike Jaspers’ farm in Bridgewater, SD. This wasn’t just a trip to the countryside; it was an eye-opening journey into the heart of sustainable farming.

During my time on Mike’s farm, one memory that stands out to me was watching a one-day-old calf, full of life, frolicking through a field around its mother. This simple, beautiful scene encapsulated the essence of farm life and the beginning of our food's journey from the farm to our tables.

Mike Jaspers is not just any farmer. His commitment to conservation and innovative farming practices was truly inspiring.

He taught me how he, like the Johnson family, utilizes cover crops like sorghum and alfalfa, which are crucial in improving soil health and reducing erosion. These crops play a vital role in maintaining the fertility of the soil and ensuring that farming remains sustainable for future generations. Mike's efforts are a testament to how agricultural practices can be aligned with environmental stewardship to benefit generations of future landowners.

Mike explaining the controls of a combine with kadyn

As an urban legislator representing the vibrant and diverse district of downtown Sioux Falls, it was enlightening to witness firsthand the dedication and hard work that goes into sustainable farming. It's easy for those of us living in urban communities to take for granted the food that appears on our grocery store shelves without considering the intricate processes and challenges faced by our farmers.

The Agriculture Ambassador program aims to bridge this urban-rural divide by providing a platform for legislators like myself to understand and appreciate the agricultural backbone of our state. It’s essential that we continue to foster this connection, ensuring that urban policies are informed by the realities of rural life and agriculture.

kaydn observing closely how a planter distributes seed onto a field

This visit has strengthened my resolve to support our local farmers, who are not only the backbone of our food supply but also stewards of our environment. By integrating sustainable practices, they are paving the way for a healthier planet while feeding our communities.

Bringing these insights back to my urban district, I am more committed than ever to advocate for policies that support sustainable farming, conservation efforts, and the agricultural community at large.

kadyn and mike walking away from the sun towards mike's cattle
black cows in a cattle pen with mike and kadyn blurred in the foreground

If I am re-elected this fall, I will bring this invaluable knowledge and experience back to the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee to further inform our discussions and decisions. It’s crucial that we recognize and celebrate the hard work and innovation happening on farms like Mike's, and ensure that these practices are supported and replicated across our state.

In closing, I want to express my gratitude to Mike Jaspers and the Agriculture Ambassador program for this invaluable experience. It was a reminder of the interconnectedness of our urban and rural communities and the shared responsibility we have in supporting sustainable and innovative farming practices. Let's continue to build bridges, support our farmers, and ensure a sustainable future for all.

mike and kaydn smiling at the camera with a john deere combine in the background

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