How One Young Farmer Preserves the Land for the Next Generation
For Kevin Deinert, farming is all about family. The 30-year-old farmer grows 2,500 acres of soybeans, corn and alfalfa, and raises beef cattle alongside his dad and brother on their family farm in Mount Vernon.
“I went into agriculture because I wanted to keep up our family legacy. I now farm the land I was raised on and enjoy playing a small part in feeding and leading my community.”
Kevin was recently chosen to serve on the South Dakota Soybean Association board as part of a national young farmer-leader program. The group encourages young farmers to take on leadership roles in their communities while empowering them with the tools they need to have conversations about today’s farming practices with their neighbors.
One topic many people find interesting is how and why farmers use pesticides. Farmers use pesticides to protect against the weeds, insects or plant diseases that might threaten the safety and quality of their crop. Farmers like Kevin can leverage technology to understand exactly what pesticides to use in his fields and in what amounts.
“We’re not spraying more than we need. We formulate a specific recipe for each field and apply no more, no less. Some people might not know that farmers have to be licensed to buy pesticides and must take classes to ensure they’re using the products correctly.”
Using pesticides correctly means using very little product. It takes about a coffee cup’s worth diluted in water to cover an entire acre, which is about the size of a football field. Many soybean farmers have also reduced their pesticide use by using seeds that are genetically modified to protect against harmful insects. GMO soybeans have reduced pesticide use by 37 percent, according to the American Council on Science and Health.
The Deinerts also believe that taking care of the soil can help stop problems before they start. Kevin and his family practice no-till farming and use cover crops to enrich the soil and make sure they’re growing quality crops from the get-go.
“I farm with my brother and my dad. The decisions we make affect our family and community. So I hope people know that when we make decisions for our farm, we think about their families as well. We’re out there to do good for everyone and grow safe food that everyone can enjoy.”
For Kevin, a newlywed, being a good steward of the land is about much more than growing great food. Sustainability means continuously improving the land, leaving it better than it was when he found it.
“Farming is not just a year-to-year deal. We look many years down the road. We’re trying to preserve our land for years to come so that we can pass it on to our children and their children after that.”
Curious about how farmers like Kevin safely apply pesticides? Get the scoop on plant protection from another South Dakota family farm.
Hungry for Truth is an initiative about food and farming funded by the South Dakota soybean checkoff. The goal is to connect South Dakotans with the farmers who grow and raise their food.